Friday, November 29, 2013

SLEMA Members’ Evening

“SLEMA Members’ Evening” was successfully held on 28th November 2013 at Renuka City Hotel, Colombo.
Theme of the event was “How to size your net-metered Solar PV system”. Mr. Harsha Wickramasinghe, a board member of SLEMA and the Deputy Director General (Strategy) of Sri Lanka Sustainable Authority made the main presentation.

 Subsequent to the presentation, a panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Harsha Wickramasinghe was held with the participation of Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya, Mr. Nimal Perera, President-SLEMA and Mr. Channa Mudalige, Technical Manager-JLanka Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.
Critical arguments and the lively discussions by the audience contributed to generating further interest on the topic. JLanka Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd. sponsored the event Which was followed by a fellowship among SLEMA members.

- SLEMA News

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