Monday, November 25, 2013

Feel Comfort Without AC

It is hot everywhere, and it is increasing day by day due to global warming. Most of homes use air conditioners to feel comfort and paying high energy bills. We can all save money by using air conditioning less; after all, the typical home spends 26% of its annual energy bill on cooling. Following tips guide you to maintain your comfort without using air conditioners. And remember – even if you have and use an air conditioner, these tips can help you reduce your need for it, saving both energy and money.

1. Close Your Windows when outside is hotter than inside

It may seem counterintuitive, but on hot days, opening the windows will often make your home warmer, not cooler. Open your windows only at night if the air outside is cooler than inside, and close them – along with blinds and shades – before the sun hits your house in the morning. When night falls, open windows wide, particularly those oriented toward prevailing winds so you can take advantage of cross ventilation. This will allow cool night air to circulate, and prevent a good deal of the sun's heat from reaching indoors. You may also put houseplants – particularly larger potted trees – in front of sunny windows to absorb some of the sun's energy.

2. Use Fans Strategically

The fact is, many people don't know how to use fans effectively. Here are three ways fans can help:

Ceiling fans can create a pleasant breeze to cool a room significantly. Be sure that you have the fan running in the right direction since ceiling fans can also be used in cold season to create an updraft: in the hot season, you should feel the breeze blowing down. And remember, ceiling fans cool people, not rooms, so turn it off when you leave the room. If you're buying new ceiling fans, make sure you buy Energy efficient ceiling fans that use 50% less energy than comparable models – a choice that will pay off in the long run, as you can appreciate the longer you keep your fan running.

Stand-alone fans placed directly in front of you, it's no surprise, help keep you cool. Add in a spritz bottle and you can dramatically change your temperature; as the water evaporates off your skin, your body sheds heat.

A DIY wind tunnel is the third option; if there's a cool breeze, particularly at night, set one fan facing in on the side of your home receiving the wind, and another facing out on the opposite end of the house. You'll maximize the cooling power of a natural breeze.

3. Eat Cold Meals

Just as drinking a nice cold cocktail cools your body, eating cold food helps keep your internal temperature lower on a hot day. Try a simple watermelon salad, for instance, or a cold soup. If you do cook, use the grill or the microwave, or else you'll heat up your kitchen from using the oven and stove. And remember, kitchen appliances aren't the only devices that give off heat; limiting your use of electronics and lighting will help keep your home cooler, too.

4. Shut Off The Lights

While modern lightning, like compact fluorescents and LEDs, are more efficient, incandescent light bulbs can produce as much heat as they do light. Star-rated light bulbs produce 75% less heat, so consider that when replacing bulbs. It's always a good idea to shut off lights to save energy, and on hot summer days, it can also affect the temperature of the room. The same goes for many electronics, so consider unplugging any device that isn't needed, since even in standby mode, many electronics remain hot.

5. Take a Cold Shower or Go Swimming

It may sound obvious, but it's worth saying: If you're hot, cool off your core temperature by immersing yourself in cold water. Unless there's 100% humidity, the evaporation of water off your skin will further cool you once you emerge from the water. For a short cut, use water and ice cubes to keep your wrists cool; since your blood vessels are so close the skin there, you'll feel cooler by applying cold directly to your blood.

6. Insulation

Insulation can help a lot. Insulation keeps cooler air in your home from escaping through the ceiling and resists to hot air comes in. If you have central air, also seal ducts – especially at vents and registers, where you could be losing up to 20% of you cooled air. 

7. Plant Trees Strategically

Your house gets hot because the sun beats down on it relentless on hot summer days. Let nature help reduce your energy bills by planting deciduous trees on the east and west sides of your home; in the hot season, their broad leaves will shade your house, while in the cold, bare branches won't stop the sun's warmth from reaching your walls. Also consider planting trees or shrubs to shade high-heat areas – air conditioning units that emit heat, for instance, and driveways and walkways that absorb it. Of course, sitting under a shady tree on a hot summer day isn't a bad way to pass the time, wherever the tree stands!

8. Install Awnings

Just as window shades and shrubbery work to shield your home from the sun's rays, awnings can save you money on energy bills by cutting down on the heat your house absorbs. This is an investment to make if you like the look.

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