Sunday, November 24, 2013

Loan Scheme for Energy Conservation Projects

Loan Scheme for Energy Conservation Projects

Pan Asia Bank has initiated a Loan Scheme for Energy Conservation Project.

Following details sent by the Pan Asia Bank,

" The loan scheme which has been launched by PABC to be directed to fund mini sustainable energy projects and end users ( retail & corporate) of energy efficient products.

The loan can be provided both in rupees and dollar denominations at a concessionary interest rate of 16%(for Rupee Loans) (the rate can be negotiated upon the project feasibility and customer credibility).

The total credit line PABC got for this loan scheme is $20mn USD from GCPF.We are really happy to fund any profitable projects under the above category. Would like to get your  assistance /guidance/support or recommendations in identifying and funding such projects."

- Save Energy

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