Sunday, December 1, 2013

Water heating tips

Looking for ways to save money on your energy bill? Below tips will help you to reduce your energy consumption for water heating.


Check that your water heater is set to 1200F. If not, adjust the setting.
Fill your clothes washer and dishwasher for each use. Full loads are most efficient.
Use a lower temperature setting on your clothes washer. Make sure you always rinse with cold water, and switch to cold instead of warm or hot for the wash cycle.


Install water-saving faucet aerators and shower heads. Look for shower heads that are rated to use no more than 5 liters of water per minute.

More ways to save

Energy Star®
Look for the Energy Star label. The most efficient water heaters, computers, TVs, washers, dryers, kitchen appliances and even fans have the Energy Star label on the box. They save money.

Tank less water heaters
Tank less water heaters cost less to operate but much more to install – especially if you are replacing an older tank model and additional plumbing work is necessary. Compare estimates for both the tankless model and the highest-efficiency tank models to see what is best for you. If you must install an electric water heater because your home does not have access to natural gas, consider getting a heat pump model. Heat pump water heaters can be two to three times more energy efficient than conventional electric storage water heaters.

Natural gas
Consider switching to natural gas. Compared to other traditional energy sources, natural gas is the least expensive way to heat your home and water, dry your laundry and cook your food.

 - Save Energy

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