Tuesday, December 3, 2013

California Solar Panel Installers

California leads the country in solar installation for good reason. With over 3000 hour of sunshine annually, California is an ideal location for installing solar electric panels and solar heating systems. California solar installers were busy in 2010 installing 194 megawatts of new generating capacity - a whopping 47% increase over 2009. The state has a $3.3 billion plan to install another 3000 megawatts of new solar power capacity by 2017. California solar panel potential is huge. The Global Energy Network Institute has estimated that California has 17 million megawatts of potential photovoltaic solar capacity.
California also has great rebates and incentives for homeowners and businesses that install solar, like the California Feed-in Tariff and California Solar Initiative. These and other popular programs are available to California residents who install solar power systems. To find out more, talk to one of the many California solar installers in our network today. We have solar installation professionals servicing San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside, Glendale, San Francisco, Oakland, Fresno, Sacramento and just about everywhere else in California.
If you don’t feel like undertaking a research project or don’t have the time to make the inquiries yourself, then let us do the work for you. Simply fill out our short inquiry form, we will find you reputable and experienced California solar installers in your area to provide free proposals for you to review.

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