Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Soft Skills of Energy Efficiency Professionals

In recent years, the energy efficiency industry has become increasingly relevant to building owners, real estate firms, government officials, educators and business owners to decrease the overwhelming cost of energy consumption. But having the right talent in place is crucial to communicate the benefits of energy efficiency solutions to the end-user who more often then not are not versed in energy efficiency technology.
Effective communication is just one of the many “soft skills” now being required by hiring managers in the energy industry. In fact, finding the right talent today means finding professionals who have the right set of soft skills to fit the company culture, be successful on the job, and build bridges with colleagues, customers and vendors.
Below are 7 other soft skills that energy management employers are currently seeking:

1) Strong Work Ethic: Employers want professionals who are motivated and dedicated enough to do what it takes to get the job done. Along with that, they expect people to give their very best work every day.

2) Positive Attitude: Companies like optimistic and upbeat people. They like to have positive vibes flowing at their companies as it inspires others to be positive as well.

3) Time Management Abilities: Multi-tasking and the ability to prioritize tasks are a must. Companies want people who are well-organized and use their time wisely when on the job.

4) Problem-Solving Skills: Problem solving often involves decision-making and decision-making skills are especially important when it comes to management and leadership roles. Employers are mostly likely to hire and promote professionals who demonstrate the ability to solve problems creatively and effectively.

5) Team Player: Many companies place emphasis on the ability to work well in group settings. Employers look at team player skills to assess who will be formidable in future leadership roles.

6) Flexible & Adaptable: I can’t say enough about this soft skill. In todays every changing economy and workplace, energy pros need the ability to adapt to new situations and changes. Companies want to know that their people are open to new ideas, embrace change and because of that, come through in a pinch.

7) Passion for the Energy Industry: Employers want their people to love the industry and believe in their own abilities and talents. Enthusiasm will shine through and be catchy!

Like never before, companies place high value and put much emphasis on soft skills because they realize just how linked they are to job performance and career success. While energy professionals will still need to be thoroughly qualified to do the job at hand, the range of soft skills they possess are just as important.

By Matt Cohen, Direct Recruiters, Inc.

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