Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Energy Project Engineer - vacancy
Working Title: Energy Project Engineer
Campus: UNC-Chapel Hill
Region: Piedmont/Triangle
Job Summary:
The Facilities Services Division, Energy Management, is
currently seeking a temporary Energy Project Engineer. This temporary
position is expected to last up to 1 year. The Energy Project
Engineer will conduct building energy audits, identify energy
conservation measures, quantify cost and payback, and prioritize
opportunities. This position will conduct assessments of architectural,
electrical and mechanical building systems including: building
envelopes, building insulation, glazing, power distribution, lighting,
HVAC systems, building automation systems and plumbing systems.
Energy audits to be performed are consistent with ASHRAE level 1 and 2
energy audit protocol. Occasional development of whole building energy
models is also necessary. Upon successful funding of designated
projects, provide program and project oversight to ensure successful
implementation within the scope, schedule and cost budgets identified.
Minimum Qualifications:
the engineering discipline related to the area of assignment; or
equivalent combination of training and experience. Some positions may
require licensure by the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers
and Surveyors. All degrees must be received from appropriately
accredited institutions. A valid NC Driver's license is required.
Position Number: S003775
Posting Date: 12/06/2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Sweden has Run out of Rubbish for Waste-to-Energy Industry
Who would ever have thought that being ‘too green’ could cause
problems? Sweden is finding this out first hand. The country is
virtually pollution free and its cities streets are clean of garbage,
yet this enviable situation is causing a paradoxical problem. Sweden
relies on burning its waste to provide electricity and heat to hundreds
of thousands of homes, and the country is now running out.
As a result of overzealous recycling, the nation of 9.5 million citizens must now import rubbish from other countries in order to feed its waste-to-energy incineration power plants. Each year the Scandinavian country imports 80,000 tonnes of garbage, mostly from Norway, to fuel homes and businesses.
The deal is actually working out very well for Sweden, despite the reliance on imports for its electricity production. Norway pays Sweden to take away its excess refuse. Sweden then burns it to create electricity and heat, and then sends the ashes left behind by the incinerated waste, and which contain many highly polluting toxins, back to Norway for disposal in land fill.
Related article: Switchgrass Fuel: Bush Wanted It, Obama Gets It
Sweden is clearly the world leader in terms of recovering energy from waste. Each year its two million tonnes of rubbish, along with extra imports, are almost completely recycled, with only 4% of all waste going into landfill. This remarkable ability should act as an example to other countries that produce massive amounts of waste, most of which they send to be buried in bursting landfills. Sweden’s model truly offers a route to sustainable living.

However Catarina Ostlund, the senior advisor to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, believes that a new country should be used to provide the extra garbage needed. Norway itself is already very clean, with its own developed recycling sector. She suggests to Public Radio International that “instead we will get the waste from Italy or from Romania or Bulgaria, or the Baltic countries because they landfill a lot in these countries. They don’t have any incineration plants or recycling plants, so they need to find a solution for their waste.”
If other countries around the EU begin to copy Sweden, then the shortage of waste could even lead some entrepreneurial minds to collect waste and sell it to energy companies at a premium. The shortage would certainly see its value rise.
By. James Burgess of
As a result of overzealous recycling, the nation of 9.5 million citizens must now import rubbish from other countries in order to feed its waste-to-energy incineration power plants. Each year the Scandinavian country imports 80,000 tonnes of garbage, mostly from Norway, to fuel homes and businesses.
The deal is actually working out very well for Sweden, despite the reliance on imports for its electricity production. Norway pays Sweden to take away its excess refuse. Sweden then burns it to create electricity and heat, and then sends the ashes left behind by the incinerated waste, and which contain many highly polluting toxins, back to Norway for disposal in land fill.
Related article: Switchgrass Fuel: Bush Wanted It, Obama Gets It
Sweden is clearly the world leader in terms of recovering energy from waste. Each year its two million tonnes of rubbish, along with extra imports, are almost completely recycled, with only 4% of all waste going into landfill. This remarkable ability should act as an example to other countries that produce massive amounts of waste, most of which they send to be buried in bursting landfills. Sweden’s model truly offers a route to sustainable living.

However Catarina Ostlund, the senior advisor to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, believes that a new country should be used to provide the extra garbage needed. Norway itself is already very clean, with its own developed recycling sector. She suggests to Public Radio International that “instead we will get the waste from Italy or from Romania or Bulgaria, or the Baltic countries because they landfill a lot in these countries. They don’t have any incineration plants or recycling plants, so they need to find a solution for their waste.”
If other countries around the EU begin to copy Sweden, then the shortage of waste could even lead some entrepreneurial minds to collect waste and sell it to energy companies at a premium. The shortage would certainly see its value rise.
By. James Burgess of
Don't throw away old directories..
Reuse is an other name for saving material and energy..
Don't throw away old directories and those stacks... reuse them for keep stationary...
- Save Energy
Don't throw away old directories and those stacks... reuse them for keep stationary...
- Save Energy
Green Building Council of SL Associate Professional Training Course
Next Green Building Council of SL Associate Professional Training Course will commence on 17th January 2014. The details of date, time and the venue are given below.
17th, 18th, 24th & 25th
January 2014 and 15th February 2014 - ICTAD Auditorium
“Savsiripaya" No.123,Wijerama Mawatha,Colombo-07.
The purpose of this Training Course is to
further strengthen the knowledge and skills of the property industry
professionals on Green Building Practices and the GREENSL®
Rating System. This Training Course is designed to train
participants as Associate Professionals of the Green Building Council of Sri
Lanka. Those who successfully complete the training course will be awarded with
the certification ‘GBCSL Associate Professional’ (GREENSL®
The training program is intended for the
property industry professionals such as Architects, Engineers (different
disciplines), Town Planners, University Academics (relevant fields), Quantity
Surveyors, Facility Managers, Environmentalists and other recognized
professionals in the building industry. The
Board of Education and Training of GBCSL
reserves the right to select suitable candidates for the Course. Their decision
is final and binding.
The Course Fee per participant is
Rs.30,000.00. This fee will cover attendance to all sessions, course material,
refreshments and lunch during the training period and the ‘Symposium and the
Dinner .
We proudly welcome all
the professionals to become Green professionals and contribute positively to
transform the construction industry in Sri Lanka with Green building practices
to create sustainable built environment for the future wellbeing of our
Motherland. Information Brochure of the Training Course and the
Registration Form are annexed to this letter for your information.
To enrol for the Training Course, please send us
duly filled Registration Form attached to this email.
You can
send a Cheque/Bank Draft/Deposit Slip for the payment of Course Fee along with
the Registration Form
Account details for payment
0071545538 Account
Name: Green Building Council of Sri Lanka
Bank of Ceylon
Branch: Nugegoda
dispatch the duly filled Registration Form to GBCSL Secretariat by:
Operations Manager, Green Building Council of Sri
350A ‘Idikireem Medura’ Pannipitiya Road Pelawatta Battaramulla
Contact Us
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Clean Energy Job Seekers
Posted Date: |
01-Jul-2013 (EST) |
Closing Date: |
19-Jan-2014 (EST) |
Department: |
NC Sustainable Energy Association |
Location: |
Raleigh, NC, USA |
Employment Type: |
Full Time |
General Job Posting: Clean Energy Jobs
As a service to the job seeker community and to our NC Sustainable Energy Association Business Members, we are now providing our membership access to search our Clean Energy Job Seeker resume database for potential applicants for their clean energy jobs. This service is a free service to assist the North Carolina Economy with hiring for their clean energy jobs.
By agreeing to enter into this database our members agree to compliance with all wage, hour, state, federal and Equal Opportunity laws including hiring for all positions without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or other categories as proscribed by federal, state or local law.
Good luck on your job search. To remove your resume or to provide feedback, please reply to
Duties will vary depending on the member company need and the jobs they are hiring for.
Should show a passion for wanting to work in renewable energy and the energy efficiency fields in the areas of project management, administrative, professional, installation, policy, market intelligence, analysis or any profession in the renewable energy/energy efficiency fields.
Apply Now
Energy Manage Vacancy -MA
Job Description
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
GMR Energy Inks JDA With IFC
Infrastructure’s arm, GMR Energy, has signed a Joint Development
Agreement (JDA) with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the
private sector lending arm of the World Bank, to jointly develop the
prestigious Upper Marsyangdi-2 hydropower project (600 MW) in Nepal.
The 600 MW Upper Marsyangdi-2 Project is
located on the Marsyangdi River, in the Manang and Lamjung districts of
Nepal, which is in an advanced stage of development. The project is
currently being undertaken by Himtal Hydro Power Company, a subsidiary
of GMR Energy.
The Government of Nepal has identified
the proposed Upper Marsyangdi-ll as one of the National Priority
Projects and it is being facilitated by the Investment Board of Nepal
(IBN). The project has completed all survey and investigation works,
finalized the feasibility studies and has already received a majority of
clearances from the Government of Nepal. The Project Development
Agreement is expected to be signed early next year.
Team Industry 2.0
December 22, 2013
December 22, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Electricity tariff increase – Improve efficiency and cut losses first.
The Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
has announced a proposal for electricity tariff increase as highlighted
in The Island of 12.03.2013, and has called for public comments.
Apparently, CEB has proposed this increase to defray Rs. 60 billion from
the cost of producing electricity in 2013 estimated as Rs. 268 billion.
The major cost component of CEB is on
thermal power plants operated with imported fossil fuel generating more
than half the total electrical energy consumed in the country. In 2011,
the total cost of fuel consumed for operating its thermal power plants
has been Rs. 33 billion, according to the values given in CEB
Statistical Digest (SD) for 2011. Assuming the rates for cost of
generation given in CEB Annual Report for 2010 (Rs. 15.77/kWh) applies
for 2011 as well, the total cost of generating thermal power from oil in
2011 has been Rs. 90 billion. CEB has also incurred a cost of Rs. 5.4
billion in 2011 for operating its hydro power plants (Rs. 1.17/kWh),
though there is no fuel cost involved. CEB has further incurred a sum of
Rs. 6.7 billion on fuel for its coal power plant (Rs. 6.49/kWh) in
2011. Thus, out of a total of Rs. 102 billion described as cost of
generation in 2011, only a sum of Rs. 33 billion has been actually spent
on fuel.
Generally, the CEB losses have been
attributed to the escalating fuel price which is beyond its control.
However, if one takes a close look at CEB’s generation statistics, there
appears to be some other factors contributing to its losses and one can
see ways and means of cutting the losses.
Hydro power and petroleum oil were the
main sources of electricity in Sri Lanka up to 2010, and in 2011, coal
power was introduced. According to the values given in CEB Statistical
Digest (SD), the share of hydro electricity during 2002 – 2011 has been
varying in the range 39% to 52%, with an average of 43%. The most
logical way to keep the electricity production cost low is to optimize
the hydro power output, as CEB does not pay any fuel charges to the
Mahaweli Authority. Higher the hydro share, lower is the thermal share
and hence the cost of generation.
Hydro power plants
From 1950 to about mid-seventies, Sri
Lanka was totally dependent on the Laxapana Hydro Power complex for its
electricity needs. With the launching of the Mahaweli Development
Programme in the seventies, several large hydro power plants were built
including Victoria (210 MW), Kotmale (201 MW), Randenigala (122 MW) and
Rantembe (49 MW) on the main river and its tributary Kotmale Oya, which
were commissioned in the eighties and nineties. Prior to that two
smaller plants were built at Ukuwela (38 MW) and Bowatenna (40 MW)
operating with the water diverted for irrigation.
If one looks at the output of each of
these hydro power plants during 2002-2011, it appears that these plants
have been operating very much below the designed output. Table 1 gives
the expected plant factor for the four main power plants – Victoria,
Kotmale, Randenigala and Rantembe (VKRR) – calculated using the
installed capacity and expected annual average energy values given in
CEB Long Term Generation Expansion Plan report. This table also gives
the average of their actual plant factors for these 10 years, calculated
using generation data given in Mahaweli Authority Statistical Handbook.
These figures are about 2/3 the design values except the Kotmale plant
which shows a figure of 3/4.
Table 1. Average Plant Factor of Mahaweli Hydro Power Plants
Capacity MW
Expected GWh
Expected PF %
Actual Average PF%
PC of Act. PF to Exp. PF%
Victoria |
Kotmale (Lower) |
Randenigala |
Rantembe |
A key factor that controls the output of
a hydro power plant is the availability of water which depends on the
rainfall in the catchment area. Any diversion of water for irrigation
could also reduce the generation output. Fig. 1 gives the average annual
rainfall received at 11 rain gauging stations upstream of Victoria
reservoir for the period 2001-2011. The average for the entire period is
about 2500 mm with peaks in 2006 and 2010 and a dip in 2003. One would
expect that there would be a close correlation between the rainfall
received and the generation output, but it does not appear to be so.
Source: Met Dept
Fig. 2 gives the combined generation
from the above four power plants (VKRR) as well as the combined
generation of the two power plants operating from the diverted water ie.
Ukuwela and Bowatenne (UB) with data taken from Mahaweli Handbook
2011-2012. There is a deeper fluctuation in the power output of these
four power plants than what is seen in the rainfall variation. For
example, in 2010, with more than average rainfall received (3356 mm),
generation output too showed a peak (2195 GWh), the highest seen since
1995. However, in 2009 when the rainfall received reached 2909 mm,
significantly above the average value, the generation output dipped to a
below average value of 1035 GWh, which is below 50% of the following
year’s output.
Source: Mahaweli Handbook
Again in 2006, the curve shows a peak
with a value of 1890 GWh while in the two previous years 2004 and 2005
the generation had a dip with outputs of 877 GWh and 1047 GWh,
respectively. However, the rainfall curve does not show such a deep
variation corresponding to these years. It is not clear why there had
been such a low hydro energy output in 2009 when the rainfall had been
above normal. The UB output shows a steady value indicating that there
had been no increased diversion of water for irrigation that year.
Any low output of hydro generation means
increased thermal energy production costing an enormous sum of money.
If we assume that during 2008 and 2009, the hydro output had been 1500
GWh, the same output shown in 2007 when the rainfall was the same as in
these two years, the system could have saved nearly 600 GWh of energy.
The fuel cost of the CEB’s combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant
according to CEB Statistical Digest (SD) had been Rs. 11.87 and Rs.
18.24, respectively for these two years. If the operation of this plant
was avoided had the hydro output had been normal at 1500 GWh during
these two years, the saving achieved could have been about Rs. 10
billion at 2007/08 prices.
Even in 2004, the hydro output has been
below 900 GWh while the rainfall has been normal. This again has
resulted in excessive burning of fossil fuel to operate the thermal
plants to compensate for the reduced hydro output incurring extra cost.
The high output of Victoria plant in 2010 with 971 GWh exceeding the
design value of 865 GWh was an unusual case resulting from the
exceedingly high rainfall received that year. But, during normal rainy
years, the performance has been far below the design values and this
needs further investigation to avoid recurring of similar situations in
the future.
Thermal power plants
Sri Lanka’s thermal power system
comprises several diesel plants operated with auto diesel or fuel oil,
gas turbines and combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT), owned by both CEB
and independent power producers (IPP). The CEB has to pay the private
operators for the electricity they purchase from them at an agreed rate
and also a fixed capacity charge for keeping the generators available.
Hence the use of private plants will result in extra expenditure for the
CEB than when using its own generators, and in turn an extra burden to
the consumer.
In an article published in the The
Island on 30.08.2012 titled Decline in CEB thermal output, I pointed out
the following based on performance data given in CEB Statistical Digest
- The CEB’s share in thermal power output has dropped from 55% in 2004 to 26% in 2011.
- The output of CEB’s 165 MW CCGT plant at Kelanitissa which is its main thermal power plant has dropped from 1100 GWh in 2004 to about 250 GWh in 2011.
- The thermal efficiency of the CEB’s CCGT plant has dropped from about 46% when operated with naphtha during 2004 – 2008, to about 30% in 2011.
The main reason for the overall decline
in thermal energy output has been the poor performance of the CCGT
plant. The CEB’s performance report for 2012 has not been released yet
to find out whether any remedial measures have been taken during 2012 to
restore the efficiency of this plant. If it has not been done, the
plant will continue to cause losses to CEB. There has been no comment
from the CEB on this. The efficiency of a thermal plant indicates the
fraction of chemical energy contained in the burnt fuel that is
converted into electrical energy, the balance being wasted as heat.
CEB Combined cycle gas turbine
The CEB CCGT plant comprises two units, a
gas turbine (110 MW) and a steam turbine (55MW), and hence the term
combined cycle. The gas turbine is operated with fossil fuel, either
diesel or naphtha, while the steam turbine does not consume any fuel as
it is operated with the hot exhaust gas of the gas turbine. Because of
this feature, a CCGT plant can achieve a high efficiency, normally
greater than 50% which is not possible with other internal combustion
engines. The latest generators operated with natural gas in temperate
countries are reported to achieve efficiencies exceeding 60%.
However, in Sri Lanka, the CCGT plants
were operating at somewhat lower efficiencies – 46% when operated with
naphtha and 42% when operated with diesel. Naphtha is the preferred
fuel as it gives a higher efficiency and is cleaner. However, the supply
of naphtha is limited as it is a byproduct of the refinery and hence
the need to operate with diesel also. An assessment carried out by a
JICA team in 2004 found the efficiency of this plant to be 48% with
naphtha, the same value given in its EIA report. However, in 2011, the
efficiency of the CCGT plant has dropped to 27% with diesel and 31% with
The most plausible explanation for this
drop in efficiency could be that the plant’s steam turbine has not been
functioning. This means that all the flue gas containing energy
equivalent to that contained in fuel required to operate a 55 MW thermal
plant has been wasted by releasing it to the atmosphere. According to
the CEB’s SD of 2011, CEB has spent a sum of Rs. 8814 million for fuel
to operate the CCGT plant in 2010, and a sum of Rs. 7290 million in
2011. Had the efficiency of this plant been an average of 46% during
2010 and 2011, instead of 38% and 30%, respectively as reported in the
2011 SD, a total sum of about Rs. 4 billion could have been saved in
these two years. These losses have been estimated using the prices CEB
has been paying for the fuel as given in its SDs – Rs. 77 for auto
Diesel in 2010 and Rs. 95 in 2011, which are in fact below the market
If the CCGT plant could be operated at a
higher efficiency with naphtha which is cheaper also– Rs. 66 per litre
for naphtha and Rs. 95 per litre for diesel (CEB SD 2011) the logical
step would be to operate the plant with naphtha 100% of the time. The
shortfall that CPC is unable to supply could be imported from the
closest supplier. The cost of fuel for generating one unit of
electricity when estimated using above cost figures works out to Rs. 20
for diesel and Rs. 16 for naphtha, a 4 Rupee per kWh advantage. Naphtha
has a density 18% less than that of diesel, but has a calorific value
4-5 percent higher than that of diesel. Hence, naphtha requires storage
capacity about 16.5% more than for diesel for feeding a power plant.
In recent years, the CCGT plant has been
generating energy in the range 300-500 GWh with diesel (SEA database),
and if this same amount of energy is generated using naphtha purchased
at Rs. 66 per litre, a sum in the range Rs. 1.2 – 2 billion could have
been saved each year. According to prices of fuel at Singapore appearing
in the internet, naphtha price at Singapore is about US$ 300-350 per
tonne which is less than half what the CEB has been paying for the fuel
it has consumed. Even after accounting for freight and other transport
and storage costs, a saving in the range Rs. 2-4 billion could be
achieved if CEB switches to imported naphtha from diesel to operate the
CCGT plant. Operating with naphtha also has other advantages such as
less carbon emission (~9%), zero emission of particulates and reduced
levels of other emissions such as methane, oxides of nitrogen and
sulphur dioxide.
IPP Combined cycle gas turbine
There are in addition two IPP operated
CCGT plants, one at Kelanitissa (163 MW) and the other at Kerawalapitiya
(300 MW). The high efficiency of CCGT plants should make it possible
for them to supply electricity to a consumer at a lower price than what
is possible with other thermal plants. Hence, one would expect that
these plants are operated under optimum conditions at all times.
However, during 2003 – 2009, the average plant factor of the Kelanitissa
plant has been only 42%, while in 2010, it has dropped to 32.5%. This
plant operates with auto diesel.
The Kerawalapitiya CCGT plant
commissioned its first phase in 2008 and the second phase in early 2010.
It is operated with imported furnace oil with low sulphur content.
Furnace oil has the advantage that it is cheaper than diesel, but it is
not as clean, particularly in respect of sulphur and ash content. Even
with imported low sulphur oil, the SO2 emissions exceed the
permitted value and permission was apparently granted on the promise
that it will be switched to natural gas once gas is available but with
no time limit specified – a kind of bending the rules. The plant has
been operating at very low plant factor, being 23% in 2010, partly due
to a break down in mid-2012.
According to media reports, this plant
ran into difficulties in getting its fuel supply on time as it depended
on the Petroleum Corporation for the fuel and was forced to stop
generation when the supply broke down. Apparently, this was because of a
payment dispute between the supplier of fuel and the purchaser of
energy. Such situations could be avoided if the monopoly for importing
fuel is exempted for bulk users and permission granted to them to import
their own fuel requirements themselves. It is quite an unnecessary
exercise for ministry officials to sit at tender board meetings when it
could be done more efficiently and promptly by the plant operator
himself. It is a pity that after investing over US$ 300 million on the
plant, it has not been operated in an optimum manner because of
government red tape. The result is the consumer is deprived of getting
cheaper electricity.
This plant has been operating with
imported furnace oil while violating environmental regulations. Instead,
if it is operated with imported naphtha, it could easily comply with
emission regulations, spend less money on maintenance and save billions
of rupees annually as in the case of CEB. The price of naphtha at
Singapore is significantly less than the price of low sulphur
fuel/furnace oil according to what is posted in the internet. There may
be problems in storage and transport, but these could be surmounted
considering the potential saving. Once the responsibility of importing
fuel is given to the bulk user, they can decide the best fuel they
should obtain to generate electricity at the least cost and beneficial
to the environment, without having to be subjected to ministry red tape.
Coal power plant
When the coal power plant was planned,
it was mentioned that coal power will replace expensive oil power which
will result in an overall reduction of cost of electricity production.
However, this does not appear to have happened. The gross generation
from oil-fired plants owned by CEB and IPP has been 4994 GWh in 2010 and
5748 GWh in 2011, respectively. On the other hand, the total hydro
power generated has been 5634 GWh in 2010 and 4622 GWh in 2011, a
reduction of 1012 GWh from that produced in 2010. This may be partly due
to low rainfall in 2011 compared to that in 2010 though. Nevertheless,
what has happened is a reduction of the hydro power generation, while
oil power has increased further. This means that under such situations
there will not be any reduction of overall cost of production of
electricity by using coal as claimed by coal proponents.
The low usage of hydro power plants even
in normal rainy years would have resulted in the escalation of cost of
generation because of greater dependence of thermal power. There is
potential to save billions of rupees during years of normal rainfall if
the hydro plants are operated in an optimum manner. The operation of
CEB’s key thermal plant at low efficiencies for long periods without
taking prompt remedial measures has resulted in losses amounting to
billions of rupees annually.
Further, there is potential to save
several billions of rupees annually by switching from auto-diesel to
imported naphtha for the operation of CEB’s CCGT plant. Similarly, the
Kerawalapitiya CCGT plant also could switch from furnace oil to naphtha
for cheaper and cleaner operation while improving the plant factor and
complying with environmental regulations. In order to implement these
proposals, the present monopoly vested with the CPC for importing
petroleum fuel should be removed for bulk users and the freedom given
them to handle the import of fuel they need by themselves. It is another
way of improving the efficiency of the system.
It is important that both CEB and IPPs
should optimize the utilization of their CCGT plants with improved
efficiencies enabling the consumer to benefit. An upward revision of
tariff should be considered only after all the measures suggested for
cutting down losses – improving plant efficiencies and switching to more
economic fuels – are implemented.
- Dr Janaka Ratnasiri
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences – Sri Lanka
Building Energy Analyst Vacancy
31467BR | |
Building Energy Analyst | |
Campus Services | |
Energy & Facilities | |
USA - MA - Cambridge | |
General Administration | |
Full-time | |
Green Building Services | |
056 | |
00 - Non Union, Exempt or Temporary | |
Position Summary:
Harvard Green Building Services program provides sustainable building
consulting services to the Harvard community, including existing
facility owners, capital project teams, and other units. Consulting
services encompass a range of offerings to ensure cost effective green
buildings that provide improved indoor environments for occupants and
reduce harmful effects on the natural environment. These
services include owner’s sustainability representation, design document
peer review, project management of the US Green Building Council’s
(USGBC’s) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
certification process, commissioning, energy auditing, ECM
implementation support, measurement and verification, green building
knowledge management, and green building education and training. This
position acts as a technical resource by facilitating green building
design, construction and operations across campus though a specific
focus on creating/reviewing analytical building simulation models and
measurement and verification activities. The
position also has a strong emphasis on building commissioning, energy
auditing, and energy conservation measure implementation project
Duties and Responsibilities:
· Lead special projects (short and long-range), initiatives, and tasks as assigned;
· Proactively communicate status updates to the GBS management team and others, as needed.
| |
A related undergraduate and/or graduate degree, such as mechanical or electrical engineering or sustainable building technologies; A minimum 2-4 years of experience within the green building, energy efficiency, building industry;
experience creating models with energy simulation software such as
eQUEST or Energy Plus and lighting software such as Dialux or Radiance
is a must;
experience creating models with energy simulation software such as
eQUEST or Energy Plus and lighting software such as Dialux or Radiance
is a must;
Familiarity with the LEED rating systems, IPMVP, ANSI WSIP, ASHRAE Commercial Building Energy Audits, ASHRAE Guideline 0, ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE 62.1, ASHRAE 55, and related green building related standards and guidelines; Demonstrated professional experience with building mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, including building automation controls, energy efficiency technologies and a broad range of high performance design, with a preference for previous energy auditing and/or commissioning experience; Ability to complete advanced energy savings calculations; Be a proactive, self-starter with a passion for green building; Excellent team skills, able to understand and synthesize the thoughts of others, able to work in a fast-paced, continually adapting work environment, experience with computer based work, and a very fast learner; Demonstrated attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple priorities; Demonstrated analytical experience; Excellent oral and written communication skills, with the capacity for developing and maintaining strong client relationships across a highly decentralized university management structure; Demonstrated willingness and ability to learn new technical skills quickly and efficiently Technology Skills Required: Proficiency in MS Word, Excel, Project, Visio, Access, and PowerPoint, Autodesk AutoCAD, Revit, at least one building automation system, at least one energy modeling software – eQUEST prefered, lighting design software and the ability to learn additional software such as Energy Plus, Photoshop, etc. | |
| |
Emergency Status Designation: Critical personnel
Physical Requirements: Must
be able to climb stairs or ladders and routinely walk between
buildings. Must be able to bend, stoop and kneel for extended periods.
Must be able to frequently walk up and down stairs, ladders, etc. on an
ongoing basis, in an industrial plant and/or construction site setting. Required to wear personal protective equipment where necessary.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Energy Engineer- Vacancy
Ecology Action - San Francisco Bay Area
Job description
Action is passionately driven to empower individuals, businesses, and
communities to take actions today that achieve environmental and
economic sustainability. Located in our LEED® Gold-rated Green
Headquarters in downtown Santa Cruz, Ecology Action is an established
and trusted non-profit organization delivering high quality
environmental programs for over 40 years. Selected in 2013 to receive
California's prestigious Governor's Environmental & Economic
Leadership Award (GEELA) for the second time, we are one of the most
experienced and successful implementers of deep energy retrofit programs
for small-to-medium sized commercial utility customers in California.
With a proven history of delivering verifiable savings to nonprofits,
businesses, schools, government agencies, and community partners, we
currently implement more than $40M in energy efficiency program contract
We are seeking an Energy Engineer to join our growing team in Santa Cruz, CA. Our team is integral in identifying and supporting energy efficiency projects from audit through verification. Utilizing a combination of on-site audits and software tools, our Engineers analyze building performance for a variety of customers and building types. This position requires a confident and professional self-starter to conduct, lead, and review energy audits (both scoping and investment grade) to identify and recommend energy efficiency improvements in systems including, but not limited to,: HVAC, process heating, motors, boilers, compressed air, refrigeration, pumping, lighting.
This position requires an understanding and development of detailed energy efficiency measure descriptions including estimating energy and cost savings for explanation and presentation to non-technical customers. Effective resource and project planning, proactive decision making, customer focused, and working well within a multi-disciplinary team are a few of the attributes that we desire. Independent travel to customer locations will be required.
Duties:The ideal candidate will be able to:
• Provide clear (written and verbal) communication of complex, technical, energy efficiency concepts; such as building systems, energy models, energy efficiency measures, and program requirements to non-technical clients.
• Provide recommendations and feedback regarding design, equipment selection, equipment enhancements, and serviceability.
• Develop detailed M&V plans and perform pre- and post-installation site visits to verify baseline, implementation, and actual energy savings through on-site metering/testing of existing and installed equipment.
• Assist sales and operations in the development, procurement and execution of performance and T&M contracts.
We are seeking an Energy Engineer to join our growing team in Santa Cruz, CA. Our team is integral in identifying and supporting energy efficiency projects from audit through verification. Utilizing a combination of on-site audits and software tools, our Engineers analyze building performance for a variety of customers and building types. This position requires a confident and professional self-starter to conduct, lead, and review energy audits (both scoping and investment grade) to identify and recommend energy efficiency improvements in systems including, but not limited to,: HVAC, process heating, motors, boilers, compressed air, refrigeration, pumping, lighting.
This position requires an understanding and development of detailed energy efficiency measure descriptions including estimating energy and cost savings for explanation and presentation to non-technical customers. Effective resource and project planning, proactive decision making, customer focused, and working well within a multi-disciplinary team are a few of the attributes that we desire. Independent travel to customer locations will be required.
Duties:The ideal candidate will be able to:
• Provide clear (written and verbal) communication of complex, technical, energy efficiency concepts; such as building systems, energy models, energy efficiency measures, and program requirements to non-technical clients.
• Provide recommendations and feedback regarding design, equipment selection, equipment enhancements, and serviceability.
• Develop detailed M&V plans and perform pre- and post-installation site visits to verify baseline, implementation, and actual energy savings through on-site metering/testing of existing and installed equipment.
• Assist sales and operations in the development, procurement and execution of performance and T&M contracts.
Desired Skills and Experience
Minimum Requirements:
• Licensed P.E. in Mechanical Engineering. Equivalent training and industry related work experience may also be considered.
• Minimum of five (5) years of experience as an energy engineer or in energy/building efficiency industries.
• Advanced proficiency with Microsoft Office applications (especially Excel).
• Practical experience with software simulation programs such as eQuest, Energy Pro, or similar program.
• Experience in building energy systems, energy efficiency measures, and/or demand response strategies.
• A strong understanding of mechanical and electrical systems and principals, motors, thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer. Knowledge of building systems: HVAC, advanced lighting systems and controls, energy efficiency technologies, green building and high performance design including, but not limited to, facility mechanical equipment such as chillers, cooling towers, air handlers, chilled and hot water loops, boilers, motors, pumps and variable speed drives.
• Ability to manage several projects simultaneously.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Master’s degree in Engineering
• Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
• Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Accredited
• Strong understanding of relevant technical and industry standards: Title 24, ASHRAE, CALGreen, LEED, SMACNA, ASME, etc,
• Experience with utility incentive programs including energy efficiency, demand response, and retro-commissioning.
• Demonstrated experience in energy auditing and performing associated measures analysis.
• Hands-on experience with mechanical, electrical, and/or control systems.
• Knowledge of retro-commissioning process for existing buildings: concepts, practices, and procedures.
• Aptitude to review for accuracy the output from computer energy models and utilize data on projects.
• Highly motivated, proactive, and willing to take on new challenges with proven experience achieving aggressive goals in energy products and service markets.
• Proficiency in building and campus central plant designs, operating strategies, and equipment selections, especially with cogeneration and advanced cooling and heating systems.
Physical Demands: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to sit, stand, talk and hear, climb stairs, and use a computer keyboard and monitor.
Benefits: Ecology Action offers a generous benefit package that includes a cafeteria plan with medical, dental, and flexible spending benefits; a 401k-retirement plan with 4% employer match; and group life insurance.
Work Environment: This position involves a variety of working environments including office and field situations involving customer types of a wide range.
Ecology Action believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. This position description outlines primary duties, qualifications, and job scope, but is not intended to be a comprehensive description of job responsibilities. We expect each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our endeavors.
Ecology Action is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to diversity in its workforce. Candidates for this position must be legally authorized to work directly as an employee for any employer in the United States without visa sponsorship.
Please click on the link below to apply for this position through the Ecology Action website:
• Licensed P.E. in Mechanical Engineering. Equivalent training and industry related work experience may also be considered.
• Minimum of five (5) years of experience as an energy engineer or in energy/building efficiency industries.
• Advanced proficiency with Microsoft Office applications (especially Excel).
• Practical experience with software simulation programs such as eQuest, Energy Pro, or similar program.
• Experience in building energy systems, energy efficiency measures, and/or demand response strategies.
• A strong understanding of mechanical and electrical systems and principals, motors, thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer. Knowledge of building systems: HVAC, advanced lighting systems and controls, energy efficiency technologies, green building and high performance design including, but not limited to, facility mechanical equipment such as chillers, cooling towers, air handlers, chilled and hot water loops, boilers, motors, pumps and variable speed drives.
• Ability to manage several projects simultaneously.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Master’s degree in Engineering
• Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
• Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Accredited
• Strong understanding of relevant technical and industry standards: Title 24, ASHRAE, CALGreen, LEED, SMACNA, ASME, etc,
• Experience with utility incentive programs including energy efficiency, demand response, and retro-commissioning.
• Demonstrated experience in energy auditing and performing associated measures analysis.
• Hands-on experience with mechanical, electrical, and/or control systems.
• Knowledge of retro-commissioning process for existing buildings: concepts, practices, and procedures.
• Aptitude to review for accuracy the output from computer energy models and utilize data on projects.
• Highly motivated, proactive, and willing to take on new challenges with proven experience achieving aggressive goals in energy products and service markets.
• Proficiency in building and campus central plant designs, operating strategies, and equipment selections, especially with cogeneration and advanced cooling and heating systems.
Physical Demands: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to sit, stand, talk and hear, climb stairs, and use a computer keyboard and monitor.
Benefits: Ecology Action offers a generous benefit package that includes a cafeteria plan with medical, dental, and flexible spending benefits; a 401k-retirement plan with 4% employer match; and group life insurance.
Work Environment: This position involves a variety of working environments including office and field situations involving customer types of a wide range.
Ecology Action believes that each employee makes a significant contribution to our success and should not be limited by the assigned responsibilities. This position description outlines primary duties, qualifications, and job scope, but is not intended to be a comprehensive description of job responsibilities. We expect each employee will offer his/her services wherever and whenever necessary to ensure the success of our endeavors.
Ecology Action is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to diversity in its workforce. Candidates for this position must be legally authorized to work directly as an employee for any employer in the United States without visa sponsorship.
Please click on the link below to apply for this position through the Ecology Action website:
About this company
Ecology Action,, is an entrepreneurial nonprofit organization that derives most of its revenue from contracts with utilities and governmental entities such as the federal Department of Energy to conduct energy efficiency retrofits for small and medium-sized businesses. Our operations also include such community programs as Bike to Work Week and the Greywater Challenge. Our headquarters building is located in downtown Santa Cruz in the former Sentinel building that we renovated with our partner Cruzio three years ago and earned LEED Gold certification. Field offices are located in Mountain View and Sacramento. Our employee perqs include ping-pong, a bike locker, and 50% discount on Patagonia merchandise.Apply Now
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