Monday, January 27, 2014

Green Talk: Public Lecture

Green Talk

We are pleased to inform you that we have organized a Public lecture (CPD program) "GREEN INTENTION AND GREEN CONFUSION " on Thursday 30 January 2014  from 5:30 at the ICTAD Auditorium. 

Resource Person            :         Charted Architect Madhura Prematilleke ,Former Senior Lecture
                                                     Architecture at University of  Moratuwa
Topic                                :         "GREEN INTENTION AND GREEN CONFUSION "
Venue                              :         ICTAD Auditorium
Date & Time                   :         30th Thursdays 2014 from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Charge                             :          Free

This is a very special presentation aimed at developing a sustainable society. Your participation in this significant event would strengthen our integrated commitment to work towards building sustainable built environment.  'Green Talk' Lecture Series is conducted by the Green Building Council of Sri Lanka in Collaboration with ICTAD.

Please confirm your participation on or before 29 / 01  /2014

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