Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Three- Days Training prpgramme on Sustainable Product Design for Better Profits through Eco-Design

A major challenge for industries in developing countries like Sri Lanka is to innovate: initiate, or adapt fast enough to changes in the economic and commercial business environment. Doing this in a sustainable way means catering to human needs while maintaining the environmental and natural resources and local communities as a long term pre-condition for human societies. This approach is nowadays called ‘Design for Sustainability’ (D4S).

Therefore NCPC-Sri Lanka has organized a three-days training programme on Sustainable Product design for better profits through Eco-Design
The program will be held in Three-days 24th to 26th February 2014 from 9.00 am to 5.00pm at Sri Lanka Foundation, Colombo 07.The certificates will be awarded to the participants on the basis of successfully participation. The fee for participation will be Rs. 16500/= per person for all days inclusive of handouts and all meals.

If you are interesting on this training programme we would appreciate if you can confirm your participation  as soon as possible to enable us to make the necessary arrangements (Brochure & Confirmation slip attached here with). If you need further clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Upendra (077-2548216/0785237598/011 2369601, 2)

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